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May 02, 2005 |

In re Adoption of N.J.A.C. 7:26E-1.13

N.J.A.C. 7:26E-1.13, which sets minimum ground water and surface water remediation standards for the cleanup of contaminated property under all New Jersey environmental remediation laws, does not violate the Brownfield and Contaminated Site Remediation Act by applying pre-existing ground water standards instead of promulgating new, less stringent, site-specific standards.
12 minute read
October 03, 2006 |

Panel Backs Jersey Law For Insurance Dispute

4 minute read
December 09, 2002 |

Employees' Waivers of Jury Trials in Handbook Contracts Are Challenged

More and more companies in New Jersey are requiring new employees to agree to rely on arbitration rather than the courts to settle workplace disputes. The question argued Dec. 2 at the state supreme court is what steps employers must take to assure that the employee's waiver of a jury trial is a knowing and voluntary waiver. In this case, the employee trying to get out of the arbitration clause is a lawyer.
8 minute read
January 25, 2003 |

Harvey to Take Helm as Attorney General

One of Gov. James McGreevey's key traits is loyalty. He rewards not only political backers but also those who work hard and do well for him. McGreevey has named First Assistant Attorney General Peter Harvey to replace outgoing Attorney General David Samson. But the ascension won't end there. Four sources close to the administration say Harvey, with the governor's blessing, will name Assistant Attorney General Edward Neafsey as his first assistant.
8 minute read
July 14, 2003 |

Growing Mold, Growing Litigation

Mold, which has quietly coexisted with humans for centuries, has been getting the spotlight of late, due to large jury verdicts and settlements and sensational media portrayal about "killer mold" and the alleged health problems it causes.
27 minute read
November 01, 2004 |

As Abbott Drags on, Justices Grow More Discerning of Its Advocates

After 30 years of judicially managing New Jersey's poorest school districts, the state Supreme Court is starting to get a little schoolmarmish - slapping lawyers' wrists when they don't do their sums right. So it was that patience wore thin last Wednesday as the Abbott v. Burke litigation landed at the Court again, and as a lawyer from the Education Law Center argued, again, that the state is not living up to its constitutional duty to provide a thorough and efficient education.
10 minute read
January 10, 2005 |

Is the Rule on Protection of Privacy 'Garbage In, Bank Records Out'?

Do people have a higher expectation of privacy in their bank records than in their garbage? While federal courts find no Fourth Amendment protection for bank records, New Jersey's top court is deciding whether a precedent that finds a reasonable expectation of privacy for garbage placed at curbside should by analogy require investigators and grand juries to have probable cause, and obtain a subpoena, before demanding that a bank turn over a suspect's records.
9 minute read
August 02, 2004 |

Estate of Frankl et al v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company

Neither Rule 4:10-3 nor Hammock by Hammock v. Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. creates a right of public access to unfiled documents exchanged during discovery in civil litigation, and the matter is referred to the Civil Practice Committee to address whether or not, going forward, that position should be maintained.
7 minute read
February 18, 2002 |

State in Talks for Global Settlement Of Profiling Suits

Plaintiffs` lawyers and the state Attorney General`s Office are negotiating a global settlement of all racial-profiling complaints by nonwhite drivers at both the state and federal level, according to lawyers involved in the talks. The attorneys say the number on the table is in the region of $12 million.
6 minute read
December 22, 2006 |

Year of the Merger

In 2006, home-grown New Jersey firms took the "grow or die" advice at what seemed like a dizzying rate, gobbling up individual attorneys, practice groups and entire firms
13 minute read


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