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May 31, 2000 |

Field of Dreams

Don Murray, a former lawyer and ELF Technologies' CEO and chief visionary, wants to radically reshape the legal profession -- eliminating the billable hour and upsetting firm-client relations along the way. His vehicle for this tall task -- a Web site called Serengeti.
14 minute read
November 13, 2006 |

The NLJ 250 Chart (1-50)

7 minute read
March 02, 2001 |

Sharp Division in Federal Circuit May Open Door for Judicial Pay Raises

Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist has been using his bully pulpit to remind Congress that federal judges need a pay raise. But thanks to the internal split within the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on Spencer Williams et al. v. United States -- which may prompt review by the Supreme Court -- the justices could bypass Congress altogether and get the final word on judicial salaries.
9 minute read
February 25, 2003 |

The Big Get Bigger

1 minute read
October 19, 2006 |

Critics Target Federal Circuit

Some scholars suggest that after 25 years as the only game in town for review of patent appeals, the Federal Circuit might benefit, both in terms of its overall workload and the development of patent law, from some outside input, not just from the Supreme Court but from a limited number of regional circuit courts getting back into the business of handling patent appeals. Does the Supreme Court's heightened interest and increased reversals mean that the Federal Circuit has run amok?
14 minute read
July 06, 2004 |

No Resolution

As seemed typical for the term, neither of the Supreme Court's final-day rulings had much finality. In a case involving children's access to adult Web sites, the Court said the government could still rescue an Internet law in further proceedings, and in a foreign tort case it seemed to invite a wave of litigation over human rights claims. The decisions symbolized a term in which the Court left many key issues unresolved.
10 minute read
November 10, 2003 |

The Man Behind the Pledge Case

Supreme Court litigants' personal stories usually take a back seat to momentous constitutional issues. In the Pledge case, however, Michael Newdow's tangled tale remains front and center -- partly because his custody dispute is key to whether he has standing to challenge the Pledge, and also due to his insistence that he should present the case. His demeanor could lead the justices to appoint someone else to argue for him -- but his solitary persistence has paid off so far.
15 minute read
Patent Roundup: Federal Circuit Backs PTO, Bilski Ruling Comes to Court, and Boston Scientific Settles
Publication Date: 2009-03-23
Practice Area:
Case number:

From basketball to IP, the March madness continues. On Monday we read a trio of major IP stories involving the Patent and Trademark Office's new rules, the ongoing impact of the Bilski decision, and a big settlement by Boston Scientific.

July 11, 2007 |

Consumer Class Actions Usurping Personal Injury Claims

Plaintiffs lawyers are filing more class actions against companies under state consumer-protection laws in conjunction with, or even in place of, traditional personal injury class actions, which have become too difficult to certify. Defense lawyers say injury-related consumer class actions have grown as the plaintiffs bar has sought out new "lucrative" areas for monetary relief. But plaintiffs lawyers say the suits are a different "avenue of relief" for an economic, rather than physical, injury.
9 minute read


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