0 results for 'Venable'
The Churn: Lateral Moves and Promotions in The Am Law 200
Ex-Homeland Security Official Warns Lawyers About Cybersecurity Risks
Jane Lute says everyone is at risk. "Do you understand that you are vulnerable?"Ex-Clients Sue Hogan Lovells Over $36 Million Loss
Hogan Lovells is being sued by two Montgomery County, Md. landowners who allege the law firm's advice led to a $36 million jury verdict against them.September Attacks Prompt Sharp Debate on Scope of Surveillance Law
As Congress weighs anti-terrorism measures, one Bush administration proposal has re-ignited a decades-old debate over the line between information gathered for intelligence purposes and for criminal prosecutions, and the constitutional standards overlaying each. At issue is a proposed amendment to the law allowing electronic surveillance of agents of foreign powers, including U.S. citizens at home and abroad.The Churn: Lateral Moves and Promotions in The Am Law 200
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