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Apple GC’s Compensation Flat Again in 2024, but She Might Snag No. 1 Spot on Top-Paid List Anyway
Kate Adams was the highest-paid U.S. legal chief in 2022 and the second-highest in 2023 and 2024.Avoiding Discrimination and Hurtful Language
The New Jersey legal system defines parents as natural, when they have biological children or are parents by previous adoption. This language must be changed from both legal and humanistic perspectives. There is no fundamental reason to define biological parents or parents by previous adoption differently than the people who become parents of children through other avenues.Public Interest Calendar of Events
In this month's calendar, catch up on a couple of important CLEs.The Ever-Deepening Crisis in Rural Legal Representation
The author writes "In sum, the vistas are beautiful, the opportunities are many and meaningful, and the schools are good. Are you ready for a change of pace, tired of those awful commutes, and do you love the outdoors? Look to the small country places. We need you here. You may not build extraordinary wealth – but you can make a solid living, and a good life, practicing law in our rural communities. There is a rural representation crisis; you can make a difference."View more book results for the query "*"
Fighting To Protect Women From Wartime Sexual Assault
The author writes "When one of the weapons of war is sexual violence, that adds a deeply troubling element to what is already an inhumane state of affairs. And then, in more of the world than we care to admit, brutalized women are condemned by their own families and thrown out like outcasts."Nuclear Weapons and International Law: Associated Risks and the Role of Law
In the New Year, Take Another Look at Second Look
The author writes "For nearly as long as I have been a judge, I have firmly believed in the importance of what I call demystifying the judiciary — that is, helping the public understand what judges do, how they make decisions, and how they’re chosen for their positions. One aspect of this demystification is candidly discussing my background and upbringing because I believe that my formative experiences — humble as they were — have given me a perspective some judges may lack, including a deep appreciation of the value of second chances. This perspective makes it easy for me to understand the motivation behind the push to enact 'Second Look' legislation in New York."Trending Stories
Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C.
(470) 294-1674
Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
(857) 444-6468
Smith & Hassler
(713) 739-1250
The Role of Evolving Support Structures in Optimizing Legal Talent
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Corporate Monitorship Advisory Services
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AI-Powered Deposition and Medical Record Summaries: Low Risk, High Reward
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Aligning Client Needs with Lawyer Growth and Profitability
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