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DNA Testing Expanded to All Convicted Persons in New Jersey
Legislation signed last week requires every person convicted of a crime in New Jersey, as well as convicts presently serving sentences, to submit blood or biological samples for DNA testing. The samples will be included in a statewide database and compared with those taken from unsolved crimes. As a result of the law, the state DNA data bank is expected to expand from the current 10,000 samples to more than 140,000 within the next two years.Circuit Strikes FCC Profanity Ban as Vague, Overly Broad
Justice Souter: Working in reverse, by choice
Justice David Souter retired from the U.S. Supreme Court in 2009 but has not stopped being a judge.Lawmakers Seek Less-Expensive Patent System
Lawmakers in Washington are considering changes to the patent code that would bring U.S. law closer to intellectual property standards in the rest of the industrialized world. The change would convert the U.S. patent system from the uniquely American "first to invent" to "the first to file" standard the rest of the world uses.View more book results for the query "*"
This Week in Law Journal History
Law Journal stories through the last century.How to Develop Strong Factors Of Leadership for Your Law Firm
An old proverb states that Trees begin to die at the top. When a firm finds itself in the midst of a management crisis, the place to begin to search for the source of the problem is at the top of the management hierarchy.Alarm service to pay $8.6M in rape case
A DeKalb County State Court jury said a home alarm monitoring service should pay nearly $9 million to a 64-year-old Stone Mountain woman who was raped after she returned from work and entered her home without knowing that her security system had been sounding much of the day.Plaintiff's attorney Michael L. Neff said his research shows the Nov.Trending Stories
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