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JPMorgan Reaches $211 Million Settlement in State and Federal Muni Bond Bid-Rigging Probe; Plaintiffs Lawyers in Antitrust MDL Already Crying Foul
Publication Date: 2011-07-07
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Just as they did after officials reached similar settlements with UBS and Bank of America, plaintiffs lawyers in private multidistrict litigation against the banks may argue that the JPMorgan deal sidelines class claims in the MDL.

In Music Downloading Suit, Clement Convinces First Circuit to Restore $675,000 Award Against Individual
Publication Date: 2011-09-19
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Boston federal district judge Nancy Gertner had reduced a $675,000 jury award, which was based on statutory damages, to $67,500 on Seventh Amendment due process grounds. The First Circuit reversed, instructing Judge Gertner to reconsider whether the award should be changed for reasons other than Constitutional grounds.

Vivendi Shocker in "F-Cubed" Jury Trial; Plaintiffs Team Predicts $9.3 Billion in Damages
Publication Date: 2010-01-29
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Plaintiffs achieve a big win in the first-ever securities class action trial involving U.S. and foreign shareholders who held shares in a foreign company on foreign exchanges. The one bright spot for the defense: The jury found no liability for former Vivendi CEO Jean-Marie Messier or former CFO Guillaume Hannezo.

October 01, 2002 |

Lessons From 10 Firms

They're working a bit less and enjoying it a bit more. They're more anxious, deeper in debt, and, in their own words, thankful to be so well employed. Taken as a whole, responses to The American Lawyer's annual survey of midlevel associates show overwhelming agreement about what they like and don't like about their jobs. In a sea of superlatives, some firms singled themselves out. Here's how they did it.
15 minute read
May 31, 2007 |

Justice Department Gets $635 Million Plea Agreement in OxyContin Marketing Case

Earlier this month, the Justice Department reached a $635 million plea agreement with the Purdue Frederick Co. and three of its executives over its marketing of OxyContin, which has plaintiffs attorneys celebrating. The deal sets aside $130 million to settle hundreds of civil suits brought by those who claimed they became addicted to the prescription painkiller. For Purdue, the plea agreement is a step toward closure in an epic legal effort that has reportedly involved $400 million in legal fees.
2 minute read
September 30, 2010 |

2010 A-Z Summer Associate Rankings

126 minute read
In Blockbuster Ruling, Alabama Supreme Court Overturns Three Verdicts Against Drug Companies in State Drug-Pricing Fraud Cases
Publication Date: 2009-10-16
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Alabama's high court found the state had no foundation for Medicaid drug-pricing fraud claims that resulted in more than $300 million in jury verdicts. The ruling completely shifts the momentum in the sprawling multistate litigation over average wholesale drug prices.

Levine Fallout Begins: Supreme Court Remands Two Drug Product Liability Cases to Trial Courts
Publication Date: 2009-03-11
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On Monday the high court vacated a pair of Third Circuit preemption rulings, sending cases against GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca back down to lower courts in the wake of last week's landmark Levine ruling. Expect lots more of the same in the weeks and months to come, as the de facto freeze on personal injury pharmaceutical suits lifts. Plus: a modest proposal for handling drug cases from the Manhattan Institute.

November 03, 2009 |

News In Brief

8 minute read
February 27, 2006 |


7 minute read


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