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China Agreement on Deloitte Docs Marks Break in Longtop Saga
Publication Date: 2013-07-12
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For the first time, China's securities regulator has agreed to turn over audit documents related to an ongoing SEC investigation of a U.S.-listed Chinese company.

October 17, 2011 |

Summer Associates Survey 2011: A Season In the Sun

After two years of economic anxiety, summer associates rediscover their optimism.
9 minute read
March 28, 2005 |

Pennsylvania Opens Its Doors - a Little - to Foreign Lawyers

Slowly and with deliberate exceptions, Pennsylvania is becoming friendlier territory for foreign attorneys wanting to practice within its borders. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has authorized a licensing process for "foreign legal consultants" who would be permitted to advise clients in Pennsylvania on the law of their home countries.
4 minute read
November 15, 2004 |

Big Firms Growing -- by a Thin 1.5 Percent

The nation's 250 largest law firms continued to grow last year, but just barely. The attorney head count inched up by 1.5 percent, compared with last year's 1.6 percent -- the lowest since 1994. Even more revealing, the number of associates dipped by 3.5 percent. It was only the third time in 27 years that associate staffing dropped in consecutive years.
9 minute read
Leo Beus of Beus Gilbert
Publication Date: 2012-05-03
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Beus's 30-lawyer firm doesn't even have a Web site. But he managed to stave off Pfizer's revolving cast of defense lawyers for six years--long enough to for his client, Brigham Young University, to reach a $450 million deal to settle claims that Pfizer breached a research agreement and ripped off trade secrets to develop its blockbuster arthritis drug Celebrex.

December 18, 2007 |

Opening Doors to EU Data

When discovery requirements of U.S. litigation challenge EU data protection laws, an irresistible force meets an immovable object. U.S. discovery can be irresistible where an obligation to produce applies to documents within the "possession, custody or control" of the responding party, wherever located. But, EU data protection laws can be immovable and substantially restrict the "processing" of personal data that may require an out-of-the-box solution.
9 minute read
June 03, 2005 |

Two Companies Become One Palm

Just as there's only one Madonna and one Cher, soon there will be a single Palm. PalmOne Inc. is paying $30 million to PalmSource Inc. for full rights to the Palm trademark. The two companies have been sharing the name through a jointly owned trademark holding company since Palm Inc. was split into two entities in 2003. But PalmSource found that consumers associated the Palm name with the handheld device rather than the operating system and so decided to create a new brand.
2 minute read
February 14, 2006 |

First-Year Pay on the Rise At Three Philadelphia Firms

Just as folks were digging out from this weekend's snowstorm, a new front hit the city yesterday: salary increases.
5 minute read
Federal Law Preempts State Law Claims Against Foreign Airlines, Second Circuit Rules
Publication Date: 2012-10-12
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An appellate court ruled on Thursday that the Federal Aviation Act preempts the state regulation of all airlines. The decision came in a long-running litigation in which major carriers have been accused of conspiring to keep cargo shipping rates artificially high.

December 18, 2009 |

Judge Enjoins Cigar Maker's Use of Cohiba Name

Among cigar aficionados, the Cohiba name has a legendary mystique. Although the brand originated in Cuba, Cohibas have been marketed in the U.S. by an American company called General Cigar for more than a decade. But how long it will continue to do so will depend on the 2nd Circuit. In a decision made public on Monday, Manhattan Federal District Court Judge Robert Sweet enjoined General Cigar from using the Cohiba name. But Judge Sweet also stayed the injunction pending General Cigar's appeal.
3 minute read


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