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April 28, 2006 |

Online Marketing Challenge: Manatt vs. Pillsbury

When asked to pit one large firm against another in a battle of Web site marketing savvy, consultant Larry Bodine decided on an East Coast vs. West Coast challenge -- Manatt Phelps & Phillips vs. Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman. Bodine, who writes the Professional Marketing blog featured on, found excellent features on both sites -- but also astonishing flaws. He offers advice on how to drive business with online marketing, plus the three things to look for in a great law firm site.
8 minute read
May 01, 2010 |

The Churn

Lateral Moves and Promotions in The Am Law 200
3 minute read
March 07, 2008 |


N.J. Law Journal calendar of events.
16 minute read
August 25, 2006 |

Fannie Mae Won't Be Prosecuted Over Accounting Problems

Fannie Mae won't face criminal charges over its multibillion-dollar accounting irregularities, the U.S. Attorney's Office said Thursday after two years of investigation. In May, the company agreed to settlements with the SEC and the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight over accounting problems and what regulators said was earnings manipulation by the company. Earlier this month, Fannie Mae said it hoped to complete a multibillion-dollar restatement of its 2004 earnings by the end of this year.
2 minute read
March 06, 2012 |

When Are Men Going to Put an End to the Boys' Club?

If you ask me Sandra Fluke, the 30-year-old Georgetown law school student who argued in favor of health care plans covering contraceptives before Congress, has more balls than Rush Limbaugh.
5 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book White Collar Crime: Business and Regulatory Offenses Authors: Otto G. Obermaier, Robert G. Morvillo (deceased), Robert J. Anello, Barry A. Bohrer View this Book

View more book results for the query "White Case"

April 23, 2008 |

IBM bid suspension rattles contractors

5 minute read
March 01, 2002 |

Work Matters

Talk about workplace ethics and eyes begin to glaze, yawns must be stifled and brows start to furrow. Why is this so? Conventional wisdom sees workplace ethics as an occasional dilemma to be tolerated, not a daily focus to be embraced. Conventional wisdom is wrong.
9 minute read
August 30, 2001 |

Governor's Big Chance

Until now, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has been able to blame the dismal lack of female and minority judges in the Florida courts on the state's judicial nominating commissions. But that alibi has lost some of its potency. Earlier this year, Bush was handed more power to choose JNC members who stress diversity in judicial appointments. Now it's up to him to make good on his promises.
5 minute read
January 29, 2008 |

Consumers will cash coupons quicker than rebates

Mention the words ''fiscal stimulus,'' and the reaction is predictable, dividing along party lines. For the Democrats, the way to stimulate the economy is to ''put money back in the pockets of the people who will spend it.'' Liberals want to help low- and middle-income families and the economy by increasing the demand for goods and services.
4 minute read
May 26, 2010 |

Government regulators hired by companies

At a 2005 workshop, a senior official in the U.S. government's Minerals Management Service raised concerns about ultra-deepwater drilling and included the bullet point, "Few or no regulations or standards." Within two years, Jim Grant left his post as chief of staff of the government's Gulf of Mexico region to take a job with BP PLC - one of the companies his former agency regulated in its oversight of offshore drilling.
5 minute read


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