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Cuban American National Foundation Seeks to Block Use of Allegedly Pirated Name
Jorge Mas Santos' Cuban American National Foundation is throwing the federal tort book at former employee Mario B. Miranda Sr. for allegedly pirating its famous name. Miranda snatched the name last May after the CANF changed its legal name in state records to the Jorge Mas Canosa Freedom Foundation Inc. He's also sought to register the name as a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.FDA Clarifies Medicare Modernization Act
The FDA guidance on prescription drug act provides valuable insight to pharmaceutical executives and patent practitioners with regard to 30-month stays.Sale of Doral warehouse on 2 acres nets $5 million
Abramoff Begins Serving Sentence at Maryland Prison
Disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff reported to prison Wednesday in Cumberland, Md., to begin serving a sentence of almost six years for defrauding banks of $23 million when buying a Florida casino cruise line in 2000. He also faces jail time after pleading guilty in Washington for fraud, tax evasion, and conspiracy to bribe public officials.First Line of Defense Against Data Security Breaches: Employees
As data security breaches are reported at an alarming rate, discussion often focuses on the need for enhanced technical controls. Often lost in the analysis is the role of the company employee, both as the cause of security breaches and the front line to guard against them.View more book results for the query "*"
The cable company's secured lenders, led by JPMorgan Chase, wanted to force a refinancing of $11 billion Charter borrowed on rock-bottom terms in 2007. But after a highly complex bench trial, the bankruptcy judge found Charter was not in default of its loan agreement.
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