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Supreme Court Agrees to Review Navy Sonar Case
The Supreme Court on Monday stepped into a dispute over the Navy's use of sonar off the Southern California coast and its potential harm to dolphins and whales. Acting at the Bush administration's urging, the Court agreed to review a 9th Circuit ruling that limits the use of sonar in naval training exercises. Some environmentalists said the Supreme Court's hearing of the case will finally settle what takes precedence -- national security or environmental protection.Accord to Toll Statute Doesn't Cross State Lines, Panel Says
When Maryland plaintiffs agreed with drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline to toll the statute of limitations in their cases, their accord did not extend the time to begin lawsuits in Pennsylvania, the state Superior Court ruled in an unpublished opinion last month.Foreclosures Residing in 'Shadow Docket' Will Hit the Courts
Pro Bono Team Wins Habeas For Death Row Man
The first time Dykema Gossett lawyer Patrick Hickey worked on a pro bono death penalty case in Georgia, it was the late 1980s, and he was an associate at the firm.View more book results for the query "*"
Letter: A juror's bias against serving can be as dangerous as racial prejudice
Trustee to run casino while owner faces perjury charges
A trustee will oversee a Pocono Mountains casino as the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board took steps Tuesday to deal with the slot-machine casino owner who was charged with lying to the board to win a license for the facility.Governor Signs Strict Gun Control Law
The new law, the first since the Newtown, Conn., school shooting, institutes a tougher assault weapons ban and provisions to try to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill who make threats.Order on Petition for Release of Funds — Frank D. DeVito
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