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Attorneys For Connecticut Hedge Fund Manager Dispute SEC Charges
Attorneys for Connecticut hedge-fund manager Steven A. Cohen are disputing federal civil charges that he failed to prevent insider trading at SAC Capital Advisors, saying he didn't read an email at the center of the allegations.BigLaw Partner Sues Former Firm for Age and Sex Discrimination
Man Faces Trial For Causing Public Stir Over Bin Laden
A man arrested and charged with disorderly conduct near the World Trade Center after an angry crowd threatened him for supporting Osama bin Laden will stand trial in late February, despite his free speech claims.Bono Artwork "Opens" Lanier's New York Office
When Houston plaintiffs lawyer W. Mark Lanier bought a 15-foot piece of art at a charity auction held at Christie's in New York in 2003, he says he didn't have a clue where he would display it. But Lanier found the perfect location for the paint, pencil and charcoal drawing created by U2 frontman Bono and the singer's two daughters — Lanier had it installed in the elevator lobby of his firm's brand-new New York City office.View more book results for the query "*"
Controversy May Cloud Cappy's Reform Legacy
Colleagues and critics alike say Chief Justice Ralph J. Cappy will leave the state Supreme Court and unified judicial system in better shape than he found them, but some said Cappy's legacy of reform may be partially obscured by the controversy and changes in judicial politics that stemmed from his effort to protect the court's independence.U.S. Republicans delay vote on Sotomayor one week
The Senate Judiciary Committee has put off its vote on U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor for one week after Republicans asked for a delayTrending Stories
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