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Dreams secures $35 million loan
The Plantation-based online retailer of sports-related products says the three-year facility expands its liquidity by $7.5 million.Congress Shouldn't Protect Reckless Gun Merchants From Suits
The gun industry's "dirty little secret" is that it knows who "bad apple" dealers are. It could stop selling them guns or force them to reform, but is unwilling to do so.Lots of Finger-Pointing at Sharon Keller Hearing
The judicial conduct commission's lawyer has painted a picture of Keller (pictured) as a judge who willfully circumvented the CCA's execution-day procedures on the day the state executed convicted killer Michael Richard. But Keller's lawyer has sought to lay the blame for Richard's execution in 2007 on the TDS lawyers who represented him in his final pleadings.View more book results for the query "*"
Violent Activity May End Section 8 Benefits
Relying on U.S. Supreme Court authority, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled that a public housing agency may terminate a tenant's Section 8 benefits for the violent criminal activity of a family member without a showing that the activity threatens the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents or those in the immediate vicinity of the Section 8 premises.Summer 2010 at Big Law Is No Vacation
Given the tougher job market the Big Law Summer Class of 2010 is facing, The Snark is grateful to have gotten into the Big Law machine before now. And, since The Snark is avoiding any awkward direct contact with summers in real life, here are some rules of the road in a column.Trending Stories
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Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
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Smith & Hassler
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