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Threat of Suit Still Looms Over McGreevey
When New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey announced his resignation Thursday, his words were directed to a range of people -- from family and friends to political adversaries. But the language also set the framework for his response to any legal fallout emanating from his acknowledged affair with another man. One employment attorney called it "a very successful speech," stating "it works from a litigation point of view."Delaware Judge's Exit Gives Valley Lawyers Pause
From stem cells to computer chips, U.S. District Judge Roderick McKelvie has seen it all. But come May, he will have seen the last of it, at least from the bench. That's sad news in the San Francisco Bay Area's Silicon Valley. The judge is retiring this spring, and even though the jurist sits some 3,000 miles away in a Delaware federal courtroom, he's a favorite in the Valley.Daily Decision Service Alert: Vol. 18, No. 164 - August 25 2009
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Foreign Money Judgments Valid Here If Home Court Provides Due Process
Foreign judgments against New Jersey property owners may be docketed and executed here without judicial review, if the other country provides due process, an appeals court rules.Debevoise Leads Again as AIG Exits Hong Kong Spin-Off
The insurance giant plans to raise $6.45 billion by selling its remaining stake in AIA Group.Trending Stories
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