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Woman Seeks Employment Benefits for Male Domestic Partner Under Wash. Gay Civil Rights Law
One of the first tests for Washington state's new gay civil rights law has an intriguing twist: The complaint was filed by a heterosexual woman. The state's discrimination watchdogs are investigating the case, which claims unmarried straight people should get the same domestic partner benefits as their gay and lesbian co-workers. But officials are treading carefully, Human Rights Commission Director Marc Brenman said, because upholding the claim could set a sweeping new precedent for Washington businesses.Sanchez v. Independent Bus Co., Inc. et al, etc.,
Coconut Creek parking lot sells at $2.5 million loss
Daily Decision Alert: Vol. 7, No. 153 -- August 10, 1999
Lean, Mean Bar Exam on California's Horizon
Ready for a shorter, meatier bar exam? California State Bar executives met Friday and Saturday with law school deans from around the state to discuss shortening the three-day California exam by a full day, while possibly adding five new areas of law to be tested. The proposed changes aim to cut costs and make taking the exam less onerous, but some law school deans aren't enthusiastic.View more book results for the query "*"
Five-bedroom Pinecrest home bought for $2.2 million
Prospective Injury to Child Suffices For Termination of Parental Rights
An underage mother who, despite behavioral problems and a history of being abused by her own parents, did no harm to her newborn child, was nevertheless properly divested of her parental rights, a N.J. appeals court says.Harris, Hallinan Supporters Spar at Press Conference
A routine press conference in front of the Hall of Justice erupted into an argument Wednesday when District Attorney Terence Hallinan's supporters heatedly challenged assertions Kamala Harris was making about the incumbent's domestic violence record.Should Peregrine's Former High-Flying GC Have His Wings Clipped?
Rick Nelson was Peregrine's high-flying GC during its heyday, but did his desire to rise to the top keep him from saying no to practices that led to the company's fall? That question may soon be answered: In July, Nelson was indicted on multiple counts of fraud for allegedly misstating company revenue. Nelson has pleaded not guilty and is scheduled to stand trial in April. He's told investigators that any failures were due to inexperience; he became Peregrine's GC only four years out of law school.Trending Stories
Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C.
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Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
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