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Federal Reserve Ordered to Turn Over Data on Bailout Loans
The Federal Reserve has been ordered by a federal judge to release records about emergency loans made to investment banks and other financial institutions during the height of the economic meltdown. Rejecting a Federal Reserve claim that the material was exempt from disclosure, Southern District of New York Judge Loretta Preska granted a Freedom of Information Act request from the Bloomberg organization. Her decision contrasted with one made by fellow Southern District Judge Alvin Hellerstein in July.Oral Argument Still Mystifies U.S. High Court Advocates
Tony [email protected] long ago, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg described the first oral argument she made to the Supreme Court, when she worked as an American Civil Liberties Union lawyer in the early 1970s. She recounted the anxiety, the butterflies and then the "feeling of extraordinary power" as she addressed her captive audience of the "nine top judges in the land.Sotomayor won't sell NY apartment in this economy
Justice Sonia Sotomayor plans to keep her apartment in New York for the time being, even as she gets a place in Washington. "Right now I - like many other Americans, it would not be wise for me to sell my home in New York because the market is so low," Sotomayor said.View more book results for the query "*"
Adelphia Founder Sentenced to 15 Years, Son Given 20
John Rigas was sentenced to 15 years in prison Monday for his role in the fraud that pushed Adelphia into bankruptcy. His son, Timothy, received 20 years. "Were it not for age and health, I would impose a sentence far greater," Judge Leonard Sand told the 80-year-old John Rigas, who is suffering from bladder cancer. Adelphia, the nation's sixth largest cable operator, filed for bankruptcy after it revealed it was a guarantor for more than $2 billion in loans made to the Rigas family.Time for Senate to confirm Dawn Johnsen
The president should be able to appoint the leader of the OLC without further delay.Senior staff reporter Gina Passarella and magazines and supplements editor Jaime Bochet discuss the career tips and strategies that came out of a one-hour roundtable featuring prominent Pennsylvania attorneys.
City, State Lose Bid To End Class Action Over Food Stamps
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