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Lawsuit against pollster for Hillary Clinton dropped, legal tussle resolved
Judge rules subsidized rent payments should go to homeowner association
A Palm Beach Circuit Court judge has ruled that a housing authority should pay a low-income tenant's rent directly to a homeowners association, and not a landlord who is late paying maintenance fees.Court Weighs Duty To Indemnify Corporation's Outside Counsel
When a corporation hires outside counsel, that doesn't mean the lawyer should be entitled to indemnification if things goes awry and legal troubles ensue. Or does it? An appeals court says yes: that the outside counsel becomes a corporate agent if he performs what are in essence outsourced company functions. It's a unsettled point of law in New Jersey, and it will be decided by the state Supreme Court.Campbell v. Planet Asef Realty
Panel Affirms Dismissal of Legal Malpractice Suit; Attorney Did Not Breach Duty to BuyerAt big firms, equity gender gap continues
Firms talk a good line, but how many can demonstrate that they are promoting a strong percentage of women into the equity-partner ranks? Our survey shows slow progress for women partners at large firms.View more book results for the query "*"
Governor's Budget Could Mean Big Changes for Calif. Employment Laws
Tucked inside Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's voluminous $143 billion budget proposal is a single-line spending provision that could mean big changes for California's employment laws. The governor's plan allocates slightly less than $500,000 to revive the Industrial Welfare Commission, the five-member body that regulates workers' wages, conditions and hours. The Legislature de-funded -- and effectively deactivated -- the commission in 2004 amid complaints that it failed to consider a minimum wage hike.Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Kelly Drye & Warren LLP
Employment Commission Files Suit Against Law Firm for Age DiscriminationPersonality Test Violates Americans With Disabilities Act
Years ago, when the legendary football coach George Allen coached the Washington Redskins, there was a story that he interviewed a college football player in order to decide whether he should be drafted. During the interview, Allen asked the player what he would do if a fly were bothering him during the interview.Techniques to Detect E-Discovery Misconduct
Too often attorneys treat electronic document productions as they treat paper productions. They lock a team of first-year associates in a conference room until they turn every single Bates-numbered page from one to 1 million. More technologically advanced attorneys employ electronic document viewers to display the images of the electronic documents and perform keyword searches.Trending Stories
Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C.
(470) 294-1674
Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
(857) 444-6468
Smith & Hassler
(713) 739-1250
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