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Corporate outsourcing fuels law firms' growth
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman is riding a new wave of corporate outsourcing work as companies farm out more types of professional work, reformulate older contracts and hash out contract disputes with outsourcing partners. Robert Zahler, who founded Pillsbury's outsourcing practice, said the firm has taken the rare law firm step of patenting its outsourcing methodology.Report: Companies at Risk Due to Foreign Practices Act
The New York City Bar has released a report recommending that the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act be reconsidered, saying it puts American companies at a disadvantage in global competition.Small Firm Does Big Business With Small Towns
There's a new firm in town that focuses on just that -- towns. The firm that opened last month in Austin focuses almost exclusively on municipal law. That's not surprising considering that the three partners in Bovey, Akers & Bojorquez formerly were attorneys on the Texas Municipal League staff.View more book results for the query "*"
Judge questions need for sealing anthrax filings
A federal judge in West Palm Beach is asking why records should remain sealed in a soon-to-be-settled lawsuit over the death of a Florida man in the 2001 anthrax attacks.D.C. Circuit bolsters state monitoring of air pollution
BERTRAM FIELDS | Greenberg Glusker Fields Claman & Machtinger
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