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June 01, 2010 | New York Law Journal

Informed Consent and the Reasonably Prudent Patient

In their Medical Malpractice column, Thomas A. Moore and Matthew Gaier, partners at Kramer, Dillof, Livingston & Moore, write: We have heard attorneys and judges express an understanding that plaintiffs asserting informed consent causes of action are required to adduce expert testimony to the effect that a reasonably prudent person would not have undergone the procedure if fully informed of the risks and alternatives. However, recent decisions demonstrate that this is not the case.
11 minute read
July 31, 2012 | Daily Business Review

Revised Dewey figures show 16 percent drop in revenue

Revised revenue figures for Dewey & LeBoeuf pulled the 2011 number down 16 percent to $782 million from a pre-bankruptcy report of $935 million.
4 minute read
October 10, 2013 | Daily Business Review

Some At Guantanamo Jail Too Sick To Keep Locked Up

As the Guantanamo Bay prison goes into a second decade with no prospects for closure in sight, there are 164 prisoners who are seriously ill.
6 minute read
November 01, 2006 |

Yahoo 2.0

As Yahoo�s first IP guru, Joseph Siino weaves intellectual assets into the company�s corporate fabric.
11 minute read
August 12, 2009 | The Recorder

Ninth Circuit Eases Way for Ex-Inmate Suits

A Ninth Circuit ruling says that former inmates don't have to rely on Prison Litigation Reform Act provisions when suing over alleged mistreatment during incarceration.
4 minute read
July 08, 2004 |

Project Management: Strange New Language

Attend a Morrison & Foerster management meeting, and you'll hear folks speaking in a strange language -- "Where's the SOW?" -- while making triangle shapes with their fingers, as if in some curious salute. The core concepts behind their behavior have been around since King Zoser hired Imhotep to build the first stone pyramid in 2600 B.C. Find out how modern project management at MoFo has expanded from a techies-only tool to something for everyone.
7 minute read
September 22, 2009 | New York Law Journal

Tax Tips

Sidney Kess, a CPA-attorney and a consulting editor to CCH Inc., writes that this year is especially challenging for year-end tax planning because of several factors: the economy, the number of tax breaks that are expiring, and the potential for adverse tax changes in the future. The sooner that year-end planning begins, he warns, the more opportunities there are for tax savings.
10 minute read
February 10, 2009 |

Can Google Chrome Power Your Browser?

When Google created Chrome, it wanted to see what would happen if a Web browser was built from scratch to exploit the interactivity of Web 2.0 -- to "completely rethink the browser." Consultant Brett Burney compares the souped-up Chrome with IE7 and Firefox to measure its success.
6 minute read
August 25, 2011 |

Ruling Centers on Copyright Breach Using Google's AdWords

A Brooklyn federal judge has entered a preliminary injunction barring Snuggly Plushez LLC from selling stuffed animal products similar to rival Ontel Products Corp.'s Pillow Pets and from registering search terms with Google's AdWords' program that could steer shoppers looking for Pillow Pets to Snuggly Plushez' websites.
4 minute read
September 29, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer

Credit Unions Can Convert From Employer-Based to Community-Based

In a case of first impression, the Commonwealth Court has ruled that employer-based credit unions can convert to community-based credit unions. The ruling comes after several trips through the appellate courts.
6 minute read

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