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Morris-Hayes v. Board of Education of the Chester Union Free School District
Individuals' Violation of School Principal's Rights As a Military Reservist Is Actionable Under �1983'Arrogant' AOC Takes Heat From Lawmakers
Rachel Tobin [email protected] in the state's judicial branch over merit system payments and court technology were aired like so much dirty laundry last week during a House budget meeting.One lawmaker told the head of the Georgia Administrative Office of the Courts to be more forthcoming with budget information and entreated other court agencies to hold the AOC accountable.3rd DCA Asks If Postage Meter Mark Is Evidence
The Third District Court of Appeal orders a trial court hearing to get to the bottom of a certificate of service date in a JPMorgan Chase foreclosure case.Reed Smith Promotes 22 to Partnership
Six of the elevated lawyers are in California.View more book results for the query "*"
Unanimous, Unsigned 'Microsoft' Opinion Marks an Effort to Show D.C. Circuit Unity
When the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit delivered its views on the Microsoft antitrust case last week, it did so in an unsigned, unanimous opinion issued by the court as a whole. Appellate specialists agree that this step marked a carefully considered effort by Chief Judge Harry Edwards to send a powerful message of unity to the parties, to the public, and to the U.S. Supreme Court.Ruling on what he called a "novel question of law," Delaware Chancellor Leo Strine Jr. rejected a shareholder suit against Perelman, his company's board, and a special committee that approved the 2011 buyout that took MacAndrews & Forbes private. Paul Weiss, Skadden, and Willkie Farr led the defense.
Whistleblower Ven-A-Care, which will receive $67.2 million for its efforts, is represented by the tiny Breen Law Firm in Alpharetta, Ga.
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