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Consumers Buy Goods, Not Lawsuits
The role of private attorney general under the Consumer Fraud Act should not become a mere business for opportunistic intermeddlers who deliberately create their own victimhood.Narrative's origin sways verdict
Russell D. Waldon won a defense verdict in Fulton County Superior Court Sept. 10 in what appeared to be a challenging case: His client admitted causing the car crash for which the plaintiff's lawyer asked the jury for nearly $1 million for pain, suffering, permanent injury and two surgeries resulting in $62,000 in medical expenses.Annual Updating Amendments to Child Support Guidelines
Notice to the bar.Hospitals Get A Bit Of A Pick Me Up
Not only could the debate over the congressional redistricting lines have changed the primary election date, it could have affected the legislative schedule over the next few months.View more book results for the query "*"
Stephenson v. Food Bank for NYC
Free With Registration: Lawyers' League Granted Summary Judgment In Basketball Player's Negligence ActionNew Pastures for Animal-Rights Lawyers
New Jersey solo Elenora Benz says her pet-trust practice "is not going to make a fortune," but it's a marketing tool, with some clients seeking her out specifically for that reason. It's just one way in which a growing cadre of lawyers is melding a love of animals with legal practice as animal-related issues become incorporated in numerous legal areas, such as personal injury, landlord-tenant and family law. And they're getting a boost from animal-oriented legislation.'Vexatious Litigation Strategy' in Patent Fight Will Cost Loser $9.4M
Head of community patent review project funded by tech giants deflects infringement concerns
WASHINGTON AP - Initial testing for an online peer review of up to 250 patent applications is set for next week even as the program's director deflects fears that participants could be liable later for willful patent infringement.IBM Corp., Microsoft Corp. and other technology innovators have funded and agreed to public review of some software patent applications filed with the U.Trending Stories
Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C.
(470) 294-1674
Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
(857) 444-6468
Smith & Hassler
(713) 739-1250
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