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Ballon Leaves Manatt for Greenberg
IP attorney Ian Ballon has wrapped up five years with L.A.-based Manatt, Phelps & Phillips to join international behemoth Greenberg Traurig as a partner. Ballon, a former co-chairman of Manatt's IP and Internet practice group, said client conflict played a role in his departure. Greenberg's "huge" entertainment and IP practices also influenced Ballon's decision, and he expects his clients to follow. Ballon counts eBay Inc., Fujitsu, Knight Ridder, Universal Studios and the San Jose Sharks on his roster.Firm Rescinds Offers for Incoming Associates, Cancels Its Summer Associate Program
Alito Offers Support for Free Speech Rights
Like his Supreme Court colleagues, Justice Samuel Alito knows the outcome of the 17 remaining cases this term and is careful not to give anything away in advance. But Alito nevertheless offered strong support for free speech rights in remarks Wednesday to a group on Capitol Hill. The comments hold particular interest because First Amendment freedoms are at the heart of two pending cases. Alito's vote could be decisive in both cases.View more book results for the query "*"
Lethal injection stays not consistent in U.S.
A frustrated five-judge minority on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decried the dysfunctional patchwork of stays and executions in capital cases since January, when the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to explore a procedural attack on lethal injection.Federal Circuit Denies Compensation To Vaccine Act Claimants
The Federal Circuit Court of Appeals reverses a ruling that two petitioners are entitled to compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, finding the U.S. Court of Federal Claims was mistaken in rejecting findings of a special master.Lady Gaga Promoter Sues to Collect Terrorism Insurance
Concert promoter Live Nation has sued syndicates of insurer Lloyd's of London for their "despicable conduct" in refusing to cover losses stemming from a performance by Lady Gaga in Indonesia that was canceled last year after the pop star received threats from an Islamic terrorist group.Latest Bench Picks Won't Mollify Critics
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger filled 20 judicial vacancies around the state, including lots of white men.Trending Stories
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