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Closing a Gender Generation Gap
Numbers are scarce, but a recent Colorado Women's Bar study found that 31% of female lawyers were single--almost twice the proportion of single male lawyers. The difference in their personal choices has helped create a lamentable "generation gap" between older and younger female lawyersIn Re: Kaplan Higher Education Corp. and Leticia Ventura
When an agreement between two parties clearly provides for the substance of a dispute to be arbitrated, one cannot avoid the arbitration clause by simply pleading that a nonsignatory agent or affiliate"was pulling the strings."Large Calif. Firms Contemplate Raising Salaries Again
Earlier this year, rumors were swirling that some New York firms would raise first-year salaries to $200,000. But with deal activity slowing down, associates at California's largest firms may have to hold tight at $160,000. The Recorder's annual salary survey reveals most firms have adopted a lockstep scale for base compensation, but are showing some creativity when it comes to bonus structures. "That is what the big debate has been -- what is the best bonus system?" said O'Melveny's Luann Simmons.Mix Up Over Bill's Effective Date Causes Run on Courts
The personal-injury suits arrived at civil courthouses across Texas by the box load, filed by plaintiffs lawyers scrambling to beat a deadline they thought had been set by lawmakers who recently passed one of the strictest tort reform measures the state has ever seen. District clerks in major urban counties were swamped on May 29, the last day many lawyers assumed that they could file suits and not be subject to some provisions of the new law, House Bill 4.Litigation May Provide Cure for Alleged Drug Pricing Fraud
Nearly two dozen states, as well as consumers and unions, are suing scores of pharmaceutical companies for allegedly deceiving them into paying too much for drugs.View more book results for the query "*"
Samara v. Dib, PICS Case No. 12-2143 (C.P. Philadelphia Oct. 25, 2012) New, J. (15 pages).
Case arises from a dispute between plaintiff and defendant regarding the existence of an alleged partnership in real estate. The trial court found that no partnership in the real estate existed and requested that its findings be affirmed.Getting Ready for the Rules Changes
In last month's article, Getting Ready for the Rules Changes, Part I, we discussed how recent case law and the upcoming changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure mDaily Decision Service Alert: Vol. 19, No. 188 - October 5, 2010
Daily decision alert.Trending Stories
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