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Unmasking Anonymous Internet Speech in New York
Whether an internet speaker can maintain anonymity in the face of someone else's objections to speech in New York remains a challenging issue for future cases, writes attorney Scott M. Himes.Contrasting verdicts in two trials over Pfizer's drug Prempro prove the importance of a judge willing to block damaging evidence from the jury. On Wednesday a federal jury in Bridgeport found that a Pfizer subsidiary wasn't liable for the 2006 death from breast cancer of a 62-year old nurse who used Prempro. In contrast, a jury in nearby New Haven returned a $4 million verdict against Wyeth in a different Prempro trial a month ago.
Cost of living rose more than forecast in May
The cost of living in the U.S. rose more than forecast in May as prices for everything from autos to hotel rooms climbed, signaling raw material expenses are filtering through the economy.The consumer price index increased 0.2 percent last month and was up 3.6 percent from May 2010, the biggest year-over-year advance since October 2008, according to figures from the Labor Department Wednesday in Washington.View more book results for the query "*"
The newly Democratic senator has apparently decided that the interests of the people of Pennsylvania are closely aligned with those of the trial bar. In July we told you about his new bill to roll back the Supreme Court's Iqbal pleading standard. Now he and two other Dems want to do away with Stoneridge as well.
NYC mayor urges settlement of 9/11 health claims
NEW YORK AP - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the special master of the 9/11 compensation fund are urging ground zero workers to settle thousands of lawsuits over health problems caused by World Trade Center dust.Lawyers for about 10,000 workers tentatively worked out a settlement in the spring. It could be worth $625 million to $712.Daily Decision Service Alert: Vol. 19, No. 85 - May 5, 2010
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