Many law review articles have been written about the procedural challenges for lawyers and judges when it comes to handling multidistrict litigation, but few studies have focused on what hurdles litigants may face when their cases are part of large consolidated actions.

One law professor is looking to change that with a study she is undertaking that seeks to hear from litigants who have brought a claim through the MDL process.

University of Georgia School of Law professor Elizabeth Chamblee Burch is performing a study focusing on women's health MDLs, including the pelvic mesh litigation, the talc litigation and the litigations involving birth control drugs, like Yasmin/Yaz. The study consists of a questionnaire meant to gauge the satisfaction of litigants when it comes to the various aspects of the system they may have interacted with, such as judges, lawyers or third-party litigation funders. Burch has set Jan. 8 as the deadline for litigants to take part in the survey.