Good morning and welcome to Supreme Court Brief! The November argument session ends this week but before it does, the justices will wrestle with some difficult administrative law, personal jurisdiction and constitutional issues. Former high court clerks turn out in force at the lectern, and the justices start the week with another look at administrative law judges.

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Paul Clement, Gregory Garre, and Ian Gershengorn. (l-r) Paul Clement, Gregory Garre, and Ian Gershengorn. Photos: Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM

At the Lectern: Week 2

The final week of the November argument session has cases that business is watching closely, but it ends with another race-related challenge of the term, this time involving the Indian Child Welfare Act. That last case also will have the longest argument time of the week: an hour and 40 minutes. Seven of the 10 lawyers arguing this week are former high court clerks and have or have had experience in the Office of the U.S. Solicitor General.

Here's a quick look at the cases and lawyers who will appear before the justices: