James “Marty” Truss, Dykema Cox Smith in San Antonio.

James ”Marty” Truss, the new managing member of the Dykema Cox Smith office in San Antonio, said he plans to expand the 64-lawyer office with “really talented attorneys” and build on the firm's position as a leading business law firm in San Antonio.

Truss previously served for seven years on the firm's management committee before Cox Smith Matthews, then the largest firm in San Antonio, merged with Dykema Gossett in 2015. Truss said he is excited to lead the San Antonio office because he's spent his entire career at the firm. Detroit-based Dykema is known as Dykema Cox Smith in Texas.

“For me, it starts in San Antonio and working with the firmwide strategy. The most immediate thing I can do is help attract the caliber of attorneys joining this shop,” he said, noting that the San Antonio office is the firm's third-largest.

Truss, who does complex business litigation, is also co-leader of the firm's energy industry team. He was on the team of pro bono lawyers from the office who won asylum in 2017 for an Afghan family threatened by the Taliban.

Truss succeeds Dan Harkins, who is now the firm's intellectual property and IP litigation department director.

In addition to San Antonio, Dykema Cox Smith's Texas offices are in Austin, Dallas and McAllen.