UPDATE (3/27): Thank you to those who reached out with their experiences. We've garnered enough responses to proceed with this story. Look for it soon!

Texas Lawyer is looking for subjects to profile in an upcoming story about family planning for those in the legal profession.

Have you delayed starting a family because of your career? Whether it's delaying marriage, waiting until you've made partner to start having children, or still trying to suss out who would stay home with the kids—if either parent at all?—we want to hear from you.

A recent article in the New York Law Journal, an affiliate of Texas Lawyer, about lawyers delaying childbearing by freezing embryos initiated a lot of buzz on the subject of family planning for those in the legal profession.

It got us wondering what specifically family planning looks like for lawyers in Texas. You may not have frozen your embryos, but if being a lawyer caused any kind of hurdle to what you had in mind about what your family would look like, we want to talk to you.

Please email mbauer [at] alm.com with a brief description of what you've had to do in order to balance family and career.