With so few cases going to trial these days, attorneys are finding it increasingly difficult to obtain actual courtroom experience. Developing the skills required to represent clients in trial can be particularly challenging for young lawyers. Five years ago, the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers (“DAYL”) Trial Skills Committee started a one-day “boot camp” aimed at offering a solution to this problem. The Trial Skills Boot Camp is now an annual CLE that provides experiential learning for young lawyers by following a fact-pattern and providing an opportunity for young lawyers to practice a skill (e.g. opening statement, voir dire) and receive valuable feedback by seasoned attorneys and judges. As Judge Martin Hoffman, 68th District Court in Dallas County, explains, “many young litigators do not have the opportunity to try jury trials. This is one of the few programs that actually allow young lawyers to practice trial skills in front of real judges.”

The event has proven to be an incredible success, with each year featuring over 100 young lawyer participants, 20-plus seasoned critique lawyers, 10-plus judges and some amazing speakers. Co-Chair Debrán O’Neil reflects, “Young lawyers really enjoy learning from top-notch panelists during their mock examinations, and then getting to put those skills into practice in front of judges.” Given the tremendous response to past events, last year the committee expanded the program to encompass one-hour CLEs that incorporate the same hands-on learning approach and utilize the same hypothetical. This year, the programming includes two CLEs, which further expand upon this year’s subject—witness examination—and are designed to provide more holistic training.