Divorce can be simultaneously one of the most emotional and detail-oriented matters a person will go through in their lifetime. The increasing embrace of the digital world for cost- and time-saving online forms for divorce demonstrate how essential services of a family law attorney are for making sure a divorce is sufficiently handled. Unlike online forms, divorce can never be considered “one size fits all.” The available online forms are cookie-cutter and too generic.

Many different types of people get divorced. The only marriage an online divorce may work for are those whose marriage was short and that also have zero retirement, zero assets, zero property and zero children. For these marriages, an online form may be cheaper than hiring an attorney. However, this assumes the divorcing parties are savvy enough to comply with both the Family Code and applicable court rules. If not, one risks showing up to court to finalize their divorce only to be told by the court that they need to start over at square one. Even in these situations, it is often cheaper and faster to hire an attorney to do the job right.