Bar Exam (Photo:

Texas Supreme Court Justice Brett Busby provided a link via Twitter on Friday to the results of the July 2019 Texas Bar Examination.

The Texas Board of Law Examiners, which normally posts the pass list, had website issues Thursday and Friday, preventing some test-takers from seeing their scores.

Busby, the court's liaison to the board, said in an interview that it was important to get the information out to test-takers who were "anxiously" awaiting their results.

He said the outages were intermittent throughout the afternoon and evening Thursday, so "the decision was made to go ahead and release the pass list."

Some test-takers were able to access their scores through the afternoon and evening, but many could not, he said.

The board is also expected to report law school pass rates Friday.

Susan Henricks, executive director of the board, did not immediately return a call seeking comment.