Baylor Law School Baylor Law School in Waco Texas. Photo: Robert Rogers

Bar exam pass rates appear to be on the ups, and Texas is no exception.

Among Texas law school graduates or students who were first-time takers of the Texas Bar Examination, 81.47% passed the July 2019 exam—an increase of 4.6% from a year earlier when 77.87% passed the exam.

That's also an improvement from the 80.95% pass rate for the July 2017 Texas bar exam.

Texas joins a number of other states posting higher pass rates for the July 2019 exam, after a six-year slide in passage rates nationally.

According to statistics made public Tuesday by the Texas Board of Law Examiners, 1,249 of 1,533 first-time test takers from the 10 Texas law schools passed the exam, while 284 did not pass.

For out-of-state schools, 446 of 615 first-time test-takers, or 72.52%, passed the July exam, and 169 did not pass.

For the second year in a row, Baylor Law School has the highest pass rate, at 93.48% for first-time test-takers. The University of Texas School of Law came in at a close second, with a 93.27% pass rate. Both of those pass rates improved slightly from a year ago.

Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law again had the lowest pass rate of  57.64%, with 83 of 144 first-time test-takers passing and 61 not passing. But that rate was an improvement over the July 2018 exam, which only 44.5% of first-time test-takers passed.

The overall passing rate for the July 2019 bar exam, which includes first-time and repeat test takers, was 68.47%, with 1,987 of 2,902 passing. That is better than a year ago, when only 64.69% passed.

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