The only constant in life and in the law is change. Personal injury trial lawyers in state courts in Texas now practice under new rules that dramatically change how their cases will move forward. Among other major changes, the new rules eliminate six-person juries in larger cases in statutory county courts, increase the amount-in-controversy threshold for suits to escape "expedited action" status, and speed the ongoing federalization of trial practice in Texas state courts.

SB 2342 created the first set of major changes in state court practice. The bill increased the amount-in-controversy limit in statutory civil county courts from $200,000 to $250,000. SB 2342 further mandated that in statutory county courts that have concurrent jurisdiction with district courts jurors must be drawn in the same manner as jurors in district courts, and for cases in those county courts in which the amount in controversy exceeds $250,000, juries must have 12 members instead of the six members normally required in statutory county courts.