By now, we've almost gotten used to a sort of "what will happen next?" attitude when it comes to virtual legal proceedings. We've witnessed a lawyer having to reassure everyone that he's "not a cat," lawyers and even judges popping up on camera in various stages of undress, and even sexual acts being performed. One California doctor even "appeared" for traffic court in the middle of performing surgery; thankfully (for the patient), the judge decided to re-set the trial for another day.

Perhaps that doctor started something. Thanks to Miami Herald courts reporter David Ovalle, we've since learned that one Florida resident appeared for "Zoom court" while at a dental appointment. I know I've compared extracting information from a witness on cross-examination to "pulling teeth," but this is ridiculous. Of course, the prize for strangest Zoom appearance has to go to Ms. Niurka Aguero of Miami. According to the Miami-Dade State Attorney's office, Ms. Aguero was on Zoom awaiting her third degree grand theft charge to be heard by the judge, when participants were treated to Aguero's screen sharing a video of a needle going into a man's buttocks. The butt injection, or "derriere overshare," was apparently broadcast accidentally by Ms. Aguero, and it's not clear what her role in the procedure was. Now, I don't want to make Ms. Aguero the butt of any more jokes, and I'm behind her 100%. Maybe it really was accidental, or perhaps the cheeky incident was her version of a clever rebuttal; bottom line, she wouldn't be the first person to analogize a court proceeding to getting a butt injection.