Rogge Dunn[Courtesy Photo.]
The arrival of summer seems to have brought a sense of hope and renewal for those in the legal industry as many judges, attorneys, and legal staff are slowly returning to their offices and courtrooms after spending the past 15 months or more working remotely and conducting too-many-to-count Zoom meetings.

So far, the Texas Supreme Court has begun meeting face to face again in the court's building in downtown Austin, according to a recent story by Angela Morris. Meanwhile, associates are joining partners in the office, and in some cases, firms are having live summer associate programs again, according to another recent story by Brenda Sapino Jeffreys.

As part of this ongoing series for Texas Takeaways on how to effectively get back to the office, Texas Lawyer spoke recently with Rogge Dunn, the founding partner of the Rogge Dunn Group PC and a board certified attorney in civil trial, labor and employment law, about what his firm is doing to make sure everyone's return is smooth.

How Rogge Dunn Group PC Handled the Pandemic