Technology is a wonderful thing, but there are plenty of criminals who would disagree. Bank robbers have been foiled after posting selfies with the loot, burglars have been nabbed after logging in on their victim's home computer, and fugitives have been caught after complaining online about their "Wanted" photos. Well, you can now add U.K. drug dealer Carl Stewart to the ranks of disgruntled technology users.

The 39-year-old was nabbed by Merseyside police who saw a photo that Stewart posted on Encrochat, an encrypted messaging service used by criminals that had been infiltrated by police in 2020. Stewart, a foodie, had posted a photo of his hand holding a block of mature blue Stilton cheese from upscale grocery store Marks & Spencer. But the photo provided a clear image of Stewart's fingerprints and palm, enabling Merseyside police to perform an analysis that identified him. Stewart had been wanted on drug charges, and he wound up pleading guilty to conspiracy to supply heroin, cocaine, MDMA and ketamine. After being "fingered" by technology, Stewart was sentenced to 13 years and six months in prison, where he probably won't be blogging about the food.