With Ohio passing a copycat ban Tuesday like the Texas one argued the day before at the U.S. Supreme Court, pro-choice advocates turned their attention toward the Capitol, where the House of Representatives has already passed legislation legalizing abortion.

"Ohio's dystopian law is an all-out ban on abortion complete with a vigilante-enforcement scheme straight from Texas' playbook," NARAL Pro-Choice America acting President Adrienne Kimmell said in a written statement. "The SB 8 domino effect is well underway and will only continue to escalate in cruelty as long as the Supreme Court allows Texas' blatantly unconstitutional law to stand. The anti-choice movement's decades-long strategy to end legal abortion is playing out before our eyes. The future of reproductive freedom is in peril. With every passing day, more people in this country are being blocked from accessing abortion care and our leaders in the Senate must act. It is past time to pass the Women's Health Protection Act and safeguard the legal right to abortion before the Supreme Court has the chance to end the constitutional right to abortion as we know it."