"Seek not to be blessed, but rather seek to be a blessing." The speaker? Former University of Alabama football coach, Nick Saban. Roll Tide! Professorship and senior lawyer status share this perk: a daily opportunity with students and new lawyers to live out Saban's insight. Here are five mindsets I share. What are yours?

Mindset No. 1: Be Open to the Universe 

How did I learn of the Saban quote? Writing this column in a downtown restaurant, papers strewn around me, struggling with the opening, and a guest waltzes over to my table, "What are you working on?" (Trust me, people are fascinated by solo diners doing the unexpected.) I explain, he eagerly shows me the video clip, and bingo! I'm off to the races. Thanks, Darrell. When in doubt, tap into the universe's random encounters. Over a lifetime, you'll be better for doing so. Want to learn more? Read Susan Schorn's "Smile at Strangers And Other Lessons in the Art of Living."