As e-discovery practitioners, our goal is to make e-discovery for our clients more manageable and cost-effective. We sought to automate and streamline the process through the application of strategic technology and well-developed workflows. Our firm, Fulbright & Jaworski, was an early adopter of Recommind’s Axcelerate eDiscovery platform, having implemented the solution internally in early 2008. Fulbright’s deployment of Axcelerate eDiscovery and particularly the firm’s use of predictive coding functionality, combined with concept clustering and data analytics has reduced the time and cost of document review.

The story . In 2007, we recognized the need to acquire new technology to help address our clients’ increasing e-discovery costs, driven by growing volumes of electronic data. One of the first firms in the country to implement a Web-based litigation support system, Fulbright has long hosted large data volumes for the purpose of conducting linear document review, performing complex searches and preparing electronic document productions. Meanwhile, we recognized the need to leverage advanced technology to more effectively analyze, filter and strategically organize large document populations, while reducing document review costs.

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