God bless the Texas Penal Code. Have a hankerin’ to shoot a cat burglar in the back as he’s walking out of your house at night? No problem. The Lone Star State will just call that “deadly force in defense of person,” a category of self-defense. And don’t worry: A Texas homeowner doesn’t have to act like a Yankee sissy and make an effort to retreat first — just fire away, partner. (Seriously, check out Texas Penal Code §9.32.) Just don’t miss and hit the cat, which actually would be a crime — unless it’s your cat, in which case you’re probably fine (§42.092).

But what about young lawyers who want to toss their hard-earned $5 in the office betting pool? That might just be an old-fashioned Texas keeey-rhyme , setting up the glum gamblers for a date with a pair of silver bracelets and some small, window-free Texas hospitality.