Families of four teens killed in crash get $1.5 million
On June 13, the families of four teens who were killed in a head-on crash with a drunken driver who was going the wrong way recovered $1.5 million. In 2005, Jeffrey Muriel was driving a car with Donald Cain Jr., Charles Tate Jr. and Carl Fields Jr. They were struck by Michael Miles who also was killed in the crash. Police determined he had a blood alcohol level of .19. Prior to the crash, he had used an ATM multiple times in the Harlem Nights Cabaret in Fort Worth. The families sued the bar, claiming Miles had been in the club for about five hours and a witness said he was visibly intoxicated after leaving. The jury found the bar 35 percent liable and Miles 85 percent liable, which reduced the $4.3 million award.
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