Robert Beebe v. Capitol Restoration: Robert Beebe worked as the warehouse manager for the Manchester Agway, and was helping to load bales of hay into a pickup truck owned by Capitol Restoration. The rear rail of an overhead ladder rack was removed to facilitate loading. It was placed in the truck bed in a vertical position, and during the loading process a mishap occurred. Beebe contends that one of the employees of Capitol Restoration touched or ran into the rail, causing it to fall and strike him on the head. According to his lawyer, William Sweeney, of New Britain, ?After he was knocked down, bleeding, he was taken to a local medical clinic. He got stitches and everybody thought it was just a bump on the head case.?

However, Beebe began to suffer severe migraines more than 15 times a month, which is the definition of a chronic migraine condition. Initially he was treated by a general practitioner, who later referred him to Dr. Robert S. Thorsen, a neurologist in Southington.

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