It is an interesting matchup—Hillary vs. The Donald. So what can we learn from it?
Lesson No. 1: Short Term, Anger is the Most Powerful Emotion. So true. Experienced trial attorneys fear anger at their clients—not love for the other litigant or sympathy for their plight or compassion for their needs. Anger is intense and unforgiving and feels good. Why? Because anger brings a sense of clarity (albeit false). It is cleansing, but in a bad way: momentary pleasure, lifetime of regret. Trump is tapping into a populist anger. His comparison of his campaign to the Brexit vote in the U.K. is on point. (Google reported a huge surge in one question the day after the vote: What are the consequences of leaving the EU? Like I said, a moment of pleasure but a lifetime of regret). Can Trump kindle the voters’ anger until November? We’ll see. What can trump Trump’s appeal to anger? The answer in a minute, but first …
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