Ah summer! Let’s hit the beaches, swim in the surf, pour on the tanning oil and trade briefcases for beach bags. And here’s one more vacation tip: Stick a book in your bag, and not the latest convoluted Tom Clancy or overwrought John Grisham. Instead, bring along one that transforms you from a mere competent counsel to a trusted adviser, which morphs you from expendable soldier to irreplaceable consigliere. (Hmm, sounds like the next summer blockbuster to us.) So, here are some reading suggestions for your summer vacation.

First, a scary fact. Where are your company’s most valuable assets stored? A computer database? A factory? A warehouse? Not quite. They are inside your employees, some of whom are valuable but flawed. As corporate counsel, your role in protecting those assets is to become a turnaround specialist for the employees. Here are some resources to help out.