• In Re the Commitment of Colantuono

    Publication Date: 2017-11-20
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Court of Appeals
    Judge: Justice Angelini
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 04-16-00801-CV

    After a jury trial, in which the jury heard that Colantuono had five prior convictions in California for sexual acts against children, was currently serving a 30-year sentence in Texas for aggravated sexual assault of a child, and in which Colantuono testified that he had several relationships with boys that he described as throwaways, Colantuono was found to be a sexually violent predator and was civilly committed for sex-offender treatment and supervision.

  • Franklin Advisors, Inc. v. iHeart Commcns, Inc.

    Publication Date: 2017-10-30
    Practice Area: Contracts | Securities Litigation
    Court: Court of Appeals
    Judge: Justice Angelini
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 04-16-00532-CV

    A media company, iHeart Communications, Inc appellee, borrowed money from an investment fund, Franklin Advisors, Inc. the appellant, and issued priority guaranteed notes that contained numerous exceptions (indentures) that limited the transfer or sale of iHearts assets.