In response to Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane's call for the release of allegedly pornographic and racist emails she claims are at the heart of a political vendetta against her, the state Supreme Court has unsealed orders in the underlying cases, and signaled that more documents could be unsealed soon.

On Tuesday afternoon, the court issued two orders unsealing previous orders in a case that involved Kane's challenge to the authority of the judge who supervised the 35th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury. That grand jury recommended Kane face criminal charges related to allegedly leaking grand-jury secrets. Charges including obstruction, official oppression, criminal conspiracy and perjury were filed against her earlier this month.

Both unsealed orders granted Kane's motions to file her challenge under seal. However, the orders also note that the purpose of the protective order that supervising grand jury Judge William R. Carpenter issued was “not intended to restrict or impact 'appropriate public [disclosure]' of information connected with the possession and/or distribution of possibly pornographic images by members of the [Office of Attorney General].”