“Let the games begin!”

Hunger Games enthusiasts will ­recognize this line by author Suzanne Collins. It could be the battle cry for the use of gamification in ­discovering and acknowledging ­unconscious bias. As we work to create more inclusive environments in our workplaces, one area that may be overlooked is our unconscious biases, and gamification may provide a way to make an impact and spread awareness in a safe and nonthreatening way.

According to Mahzarin Banaji in Harvard Business Review, “Most of us believe that we are ethical and unbiased … But more than two decades of research confirms that, in reality, most of us fall woefully short of our inflated self-perception.” Elizabeth Levy Paluck and Donald P. Green's review titled: Prejudice Reduction: What Works? A Review and Assessment of Research and Practice,” Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2009. 60:339–67, sadly revealed that most ­diversity initiatives companies roll out in good faith and with great intentions, have unknown results.