
Each year, The Legal Intelligencer's Professional Excellence Awards honor Pennsylvania law firms and attorneys who have made a significant, positive impact on the legal profession. And this year, as always, we need your help.

This year's Professional Excellence honorees will be recognized in special editorial sections and an awards dinner in June in Philadelphia.

Please see below for specific guidelines for nominations in each category.

The following three awards are open to participation from law firms of ANY SIZE, as well as corporate legal departments and the public sector:

Lifetime Achievement Awards: We're looking for recommendations of attorneys from all corners of the legal profession and the state—not just firm founders—including jurists, office holders and anyone else who has left an imprint on the legal history of the state during their career. Please submit a 300-500 word nomination to Kristie Rearick at [email protected], with the subject line “Pennsylvania Lifetime Achievement Awards,” by Monday, Feb. 26. Please include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi.

Attorney of the Year: The Attorney of the Year Award goes to an attorney or judge whose work in 2017 had a distinct impact on the law and the legal profession in Pennsylvania. Our criteria for this award is intentionally broad. The award could go to a trial lawyer who won a big case or a judge who reshaped an area of law with an opinion, or a managing partner or GC who took steps to revolutionize the business of law in Pennsylvania. The attorney's credentials aren't the focus here; we're most interested in what he or she did in 2017 to leave a mark. The Legal's editorial staff will consult with esteemed members of the Pennsylvania legal community to narrow down the nominees to three finalists and pick one winner from those three. Please submit a 300-500 word nomination with the subject line “Pennsylvania Attorney of the Year” to [email protected] by Monday, Feb. 26.

Lawyers on the Fast Track: Each year, we celebrate the next generation of legal leaders by honoring Lawyers on the Fast Track. We need YOU to help us find lawyers deserving of this honor. To nominate a Pennsylvania attorney under the age of 40, complete this nomination form, 2018-Lawyers-on-the-Fast-Track, and send to [email protected] by Monday, Feb. 26, with the subject line “Pennsylvania Lawyers on the Fast Track.” The nominee must base his or her practice in Pennsylvania, and he or she cannot have received this honor before. Anyone who has a completed nomination form submitted on his or her behalf may be considered for the honor. Completed nomination forms will be evaluated by an impartial judging panel, made up of members of the Pennsylvania legal community. Those nominees receiving the highest composite scores from all the panelists will be our 2018 Lawyers on the Fast Track.

If you have any questions, please contact managing editor Zack Needles at [email protected] and supplements editor Kristie Rearick at [email protected].