In The Legal's Corporate Governance supplement, read about how to reduce data risks, counseling independent directors and the new rules for setting board compensation.

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Counseling Independent Directors on Reputational Risks and Responsibilities

Attorneys who counsel independent directors on their legal risks and responsibilities sometimes neglect to discuss with their clients their reputational risks, including unknown enterprise risks which, if realized, can damage their reputation. Being an independent director of a public company which has suffered a financial disaster can ruin the reputation of even the most diligent and scrupulous independent director.

Zuckerberg Forced to Capitulate on Plan to Extend His Voting Control Over FB

When Mark Zuckerberg took Facebook, Inc. public in 2012, investors were offered shares of Facebook Class A stock, which had one vote per share.

Are You a Hybrid Entity Under HIPAA?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) mandates privacy and security safeguards for medical information about a person's health status, care or payment for care, all of which are considered protected health information (PHI).

Privacy by Deletion: Five Steps to Reducing Data Risk

When it comes to data retention practices, most companies are stuck in limbo, balancing competing needs between providing easy access to data for business and regulatory purposes and safeguarding data against leakage and breaches. The landscape 10 to 15 years ago was one of gross over-retention, with many practicing a blanket “save everything” approach.

(Self)Dealing Themselves In: New Rules for Setting Board Compensation

Last December, in In re Investors Bancorp Stockholder Litigation, C.A. No. 12327-VCS (Del. Dec. 19, 2017), the Delaware Supreme Court revived concerns about how boards set their own compensation.

3 Insights Into Avoiding Legal Hold and Preservation Missteps

When a legal hold arises and an organization has the duty to preserve information for pending or reasonably anticipated litigation, the risks it faces start with its legal hold and preservation plans and practices—a difficult set of activities to execute in most corporate environments.

The New Imperative to Investigate Workplace Misconduct

The important ongoing national conversation about sexual harassment should serve as a wake-up call to companies, board members, and C-suite executives about the need to be proactive when confronted with allegations of harassment or other workplace misconduct.