• Percentage of THC or CBD and species of marijuana
  • Name, address and permit number of the grower/processor
  • Form, quantity and weight of medical marijuana
  • Unique identifier for harvest, batch and lot
  • Packaging and expiration date
  • Employee identification number of individual processor
  • Name and address of dispensary where sold
  • Instructions for proper storage
Conant v. Walters Conant Planned Parenthood of Southeast Pennsylvania v. Casey Conant Judith D. Cassel of Cannabis Law PA, in Harrisburg, is a partner in the firm. She works in cannabis regulatory and commercial law assisting clients in application drafting, administrative litigation, appeals, and commercial transactions. Contact her at [email protected]. Melissa A. Chapaska works in regulatory matters involving medical marijuana applications, investigations, litigation, and appeals before state courts and administrative agencies. Contact her at [email protected].