Patricia Hamill Conrad O'Brien Hamill's work in building a regional and nationwide practice litigating against colleges and universities on behalf of college students who have been subjected to campus disciplinary proceedings has made her a standout among her peers. She has achieved many favorable results, including preliminary injunctions, settlement involving vacating of underlying disciplinary findings, and sanctions against colleges and universities. How did you develop your practice? Doe v. Swarthmore Doe v. Brandeis University No. 2:14-cv-532, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 43499 (D. Mass. Mar. 31, 2016) In addition to your advocacy on behalf of clients, you've testified before the U.S. Department of Education on Title IX issues and given public speeches on the topic. Do you view your advocacy outside the courtroom as a critical part of your practice? What is the best advice you ever received?